Tuesday, March 31, 2009

i forgot i filtered out this guy's emails. found them in some folder. why would i take a stupid rock to ubc?

Hi Molly,
I noticed that you found an interesting rock the other day. It looks like it is a porphyry which means that it is an igneous rock with other minerals within it. You might be able to find more information about your rock by talking to somebody at the museums at Earth and Ocean Sciences, UBC:
Pacific Museum of the Earth
University of British Columbia
Earth and Ocean Sciences -- Main Building
6339 Stores Road
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6T 1Z4
M.Y. Williams Geological Museum
Vancouver , British Columbia
Jim Bergquist


  1. Stone has been used as a medium for art. But one should probably know what one is working with. For example, one would probably want to know if a stone had heavy metals in it.

    (If you had a sense of humor you'd play the stone fox a bit more.)
