Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You're a gift from heaven

You're a gift from heaven
I love you more than I can say in words. I want to cum all over your face, and push my dick into you so far that it will hurt you. You are lovely with your innocent English accent I love you more than I can say in words. I want to cum all over your face, and push my dick into you so far that it will hurt you. You are lovely with your innocent English accent that just goads me toward you and your purity, which I want to crush into a million pieces with my cum and my cock and corrupt your innocence with all the gross maleness that a hairy man can dominate and perpetrate on an innocent girl from England. I love you so much.

Since sending a link to this blog to a bunch of my friends, one sent this back to me which I sent her ages ago. It's so disturbing.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tony Blair's kids must be supr smrt

can i ask u a question?
erm are u englsih and are ur videos a joke?
well not all of them i mena like der one were u said there was only 22,000 people in britain and also metting the queen, and yh basicly, come on you should have told them that wasnt a fact, theres 65 million people living in britain ok now we aint that small lol, we have a higher populatertion then france btw and thats not so small, just they under populated. but yh why dont u do a one with real facts please for the sake of amerans not being beaten up for their dumb steryio types lol. also i have acctuly meet and seem tony bl\ir many times, i went to school wif his kids lol well same school so ner :P lol but not a public or private was state, then again there was like diffrent classes in diffrenrt houses nd i was in the lower house lets sy.... hmm were do u live btw? like which area coz u dont sould like ur from anywere like ur english but not from england lol if that makes sense. also wow ur buff u would be taped hard all night haha lol sorry thought i would throw that in to make ur day :) lol bye now
x :P

Sunday, December 28, 2008

old school stalkers

Will you meet me - a complete stranger at the Police Station between 1 and 2 p.m (the only time it's open) located at the Town hall for 5 you're in town on Wednesday the 11/07/07 - that is if you're still coming on the 11th (if not and you do want to meet pleez say when)? I'll go into the Police Station and inform them that I'm waiting to meet you - someone I contacted on the internet because meeting there and them acknowledging this activity and being aware of our association and me I think will make you feel safe and comfortable to do this. It's not a blind date or anything - I just prefer to initiate any relationship whatsoever even if that be the most distant of acquaintances through physical meeting - being physically about each other - a smile, sticking your tongue out, giving cuteye, whatever -saying a few random things maybe and if you allow me to I may present you with a few knick-knacks (you don't have to accept them if you don't want to- please just say so- it's no problem). I think you're a relatively unusual girl with a way of thinking and being that would be glad to be acquainted with me at the least and vice versa - me with you. I've seen your Youtube postings and I've seen 'Fields' and your comments about it (that vid and comments are quite significant in my impression of you and contributed to me doing this) and I believe if we just chanced upon each other anywhere and we started talking we'd end up deeply strong (though maybe distant) mates. I'm not in love with you Molly, I haven't got any form of crush on you and I'm not into VBlogging etc., I just see a personality that I think (and I've done this sort of thing in the past and have always been right) would get on with mine and would be glad that she did this. I understand that this is a bit crazy (maybe even very) but then if you are on my wavelength you'd do it - I would if someone contacted me like this. For me it's wonderful and exciting. If you're worried that I may be travelling a long way for this then please understand that I'm someone who would have no problem at all going to someone located in an outpost village in India for one solitary teabag to bring back for someone I've never met because I would infinitely love the journey, things I do on the way, the events, the experiences, situations, etc. and the playfulness of the whole everything including the delivery of the teabag without expectation. I would rather have met you amongst the infinitely beautiful fields and woods about Jordans and Seer Green where I sometimes go and I would've probably started playing 'Spinning Game' (if I could squeeze it into our rendezvous) which you may know maybe by a different name - where stood up, you look up and focus on one thing above you, arms outstetched and then spin round and round rotating faster and faster, keeping your focus locked and then you run in a straight line (or at least try to) better still uphill or downhill, under the wonderful stars and after a bottle of wine or two singing pirate shanty songs (arrgh, hic!) but then you don't as it were know me or what I'm like and it's too dangerous under the circumstances. I understand you're a highly popular, super in demand Youtube celebrity with people looking to leave their wives for you etc. With me it's not like that - I think you're sort of gifted and I want to see how you grow as a woman (I don't mean in terms of material success or looks...and it does relate to your "Elitism comes with age" theory. which I sort of subscribe to...). To me it's in your timing and your music and your sensitivity. You're with abilities that are from sense and it's that sense which interests me - apart from that, everything interests me and you're part of that too. If you'll meet me please email me ASAP an I'll email you my mobile number so you can cancel if you change your mind or need to change things. You said about popping into Starbucks but I'm thinking maybe that wasn't an invitation for anyone and maybe to friends and acquaintances you've already made and even if it was I'd rather not meet you there for the very first time because I believe you'll be different than you would be otherwise being in the prescence of friends, etc. (as everyone I've come across always is) and also I am sort of shy. The police station is only open for that one hour. I don't mind meeting you for 5 seconds if you want just to cross observation paths with each other for a moment in "total reality" before we maybe proceed to email, etc. Please don't think I'm meeting you to "check you out" - if that's what you think then you're not getting me. I'd like still to be friends/acquiantances with you when you're seventy and you're teeth have dropped out and you smell of pee and if you ever reflect on how we met - you'll shake your head or whatever and say to yourself "What a silly arse" and remember this meeting, smiles, etc. exchanged and how it'd relate to our friendship - again as distant as that may end up being. If we do meet I'll want you to give me enough time to see me with my hair up as I'm quite long haired at the moment and I'm not into pony tails,etc or pinning it behind my ears and left like that- you're not going to see any facial expressions to remember at all - just hair.
What do you think?
Riz -x-

PS I know how wacky this letter may be and if I'd rather you didn't think I'm some nutter that you and your wonderful friends can take the piss out of by agreeing to meeting me there just to ridicule. I'm not saying that you'd do that and I don't think from what I believe about you that you would but it happens (not to me - but..). It wouldn't bother me because I know what I'm really like but it would be sad especially because I would want you and your friends to be contributing to making the world a more loving and wonderful place for everyone - including for possibly misfits like myself too.

PPS For me this letter is really bad - if we end up corresponding I'll explain - but if you're up for it please let's start off like this.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

crave humiliation

Lets be honest now. I like free shit. If someone is gonna offer to send me something I want, I'm gonna say 'umyeahsure!'. The shoe guy is still going on at me, and wants me to tease him and shit, and honestly, I don't even have the energy. I'm like... give me the shoes or just leave me alone. Cause you are creeping me out and getting boring now.

[after asking me to make a video teasing him or something]
oh please please please. it would weaken me so much more to know that you would do it, and bring me closer to falling on my knees and buying the shoes, hehehehe. i would love and crave humiliation from you! : )

I wonder if he knows about that foot channel a bunch of us made ages ago.

anal prize

As you probably know by now, I'm a huge fan of Brian Wilson (that I'm going to see in September at the Royal Festival Hall! Yay!) and the Beach Boys. So I decided to make a blog where I'll post rare and/or unreleased material by them, and I thought you might like it! ;) The Beach Boys are the undisputed champions of unreleased tracks and albums. I have about 20 Gb of things that have never been released, and my collection is small compared to some others!

Here's the link:
For the time being, there's only a self-made mix available (that I'm particularly proud of - please let me know what you think!), but as soon as I have more time, I will upload more interesting stuff. Oh yeah, why "Pearl Nazi"? I've run an anagram search with my name ([redacted]), and this came up. I like it because it's kinda cool in an un-cool way! But the layout of the blog and my username do NOT reflect my political beliefs in any way, I can assure you. My other choices were "Linear Zap" and... "Anal Prize". I'm not particularly proud of the latter.

I'm a little disappointed with you

I'm a little disappointed with you for not letting me know that you would be going to the YT Gathering in SF next week. Mr Safety's Feb 9th video was featured in the Travel & Places category. Are you going to do the Crazy Dream thing? I missed the night that you were at Producing101 on Stickam could you fill me in on the details about what you are planning on doing? Maybe be could get together sometime if you have time to kill.
I really don't know how to react since you seldom respond to my emails. I know that you are pressed for time right now but if you have some to spare please email me. k? :)

I ended up a loner

Well, I finally got around to doing a video of sorts. It happens to be a math video but the computed images in it are really nice. The Mandelbrot Set is actually the black area. I found a BBC Basic program in D. G. Drazin's Nonlinear Systems which is a volume in the Campridge Texts in Applied Mathematics series which I adapted to generate the zoom and stills. It took 9 hours to compute the 480 images and since the animation subroutine which captured the images had a limited palette I decided to include the still images to show more detail.
I really wish I could but I won't be able to go to the London YouTube Gathering at the Phoenix this weekend. I had a wisdom tooth pulled Friday and I have some family business to get out of the way. If I was more involved in YouTube I would definitely have considered going. My parents spent 5 months traveling through Europe in 1988 visiting relatives and doing geneology research. They went to the Runnymede Air Forces Memorial near London looking for my uncle's name but could not find it then. Just after Christmas I contacted a photographer in the UK who was kind enough to send me some pictures of the panel 102 near the West Lookout which contains my uncle's name. He was part of the crew of a Lancaster bomber which was lost during the "lull" in October, 1942 when the Battle of Stalingrad the fight over North Africa were taking place. He left a journal which reads more like a travel log at times. He was stationed near the Lakes District for a time and mentions that he was rather fond of a Scottish girl that he met. He grumbled a bit about being assigned to the Pathfinders. All my parents ever told me about what happened to him was that his plane was seen to go down over the North Sea.
Anyway, I do have an excuse to go to London and visit the PRO at Kew to see what I can find out about his fate. And if I ever get around to doing so perhaps we could get together for a pint of beer at a pub in London sometime. Doing some sightseeing in Europe might be fun too.
I saw Kwai Chi's video and the Phoenix looks like a nice place. I would have liked to meet you in person. I have a few childhood scars that I could show you if you ever decided to do another book. And I was poisoned once when I was a kid and ended up in a coma for a week. I think my parents were a bit overprotective after those incidents and I ended up a loner as a result. My parents both grew up on farms and were rather family oriented so they didn't socialize much either. After my father retired from television they started a family business which I helped them out with. Now that they have passed on I need to find new interests to pursue.
Let me know how the gathering goes. I hope everyone has a nice time there.

I do like "collecting you"

Would you like someone to help backup your old video? Hard drives can fail and YouTube is now unwilling to save your work. I would be willing to help if you need it. I have a lot of free space on my hard drive. I have only used 25GB of a 225GB hard drive and I can burn DVDs if you wish.
I live in Fresno, California which is 3 hours from Pier 39 and could help with redoing and uploading the endangered videos.

I would really like to help you if you need it. I do like "collecting you," since you are the "queen" of youtubia but I also feel that your rights as the author of these works take precedence.
Please let me help.

I have to watch my sugar intake

I noticed that you just got through posting another blog, Family Names. The reason I am emailing you is because the header is missing. I assume the page is still under construction. All that shows up is a blank header space when you sellect the information using a mouse.
The muffins the other day reminded me of you online painting session on Stickam and the auctions on ebay. I really wanted Evil Muffin. *sigh* I have to watch my sugar intake now. I found out I have diabetes. My candy habit has finally caught up with me.
Check out France Gall is a trip into the past. You might like her. She is definitely 80's. She is known for Baby Pop. And she is a real tease. You'll find her on YouTube. She was almost 30 years ahead of the present with RĂ©siste.
Some Bond trivia: Ian Fleming was the liason officer between Bletchley Park and the Director of Naval Intelligence.
Jim B


found some collectable graphics that might be of interest to you @

they have been issued to commemorate the centenary of Ian Fleming's birth on May 28, 2008 the official publication date of the new Bond novel Devil May Care.

Photo of your house

I hope you had a great time in Canada and the US during the last month. Looks like you accomplished quite a bit in the time allotted. I'm a little hurt that you didn't share that with me. I still would have loved to see LOVE at the Mirage. It is still playing. Some other time?
I just got through looking at the YouTube slide show video of your trip. Sorry to have missed you again. But it probably wouldn't have made much of a difference since I have a sister with problems and is very demanding of my time. Sometimes a little too demanding. But she is my sister and was rather desparate.
There's another thing that I should mention. I was looking through your albums at flicker and found some pictures of where you were staying in SF. You have to be more careful now about what you post because of Google Street View. I've attached the street view of the place where you were staying. It's a little scary. You probably have enough information to find where I now live. Unless you tossed it out with the spring cleaning.
I am still at a loss about what happened, if anything, to Molly at 888. She was rather nervous on stage and didn't do her routine with nayders07. Was Tony Stockert there? He makes her nervous. At 777 she was somewhat giggly when she almost kissed Tony. I'll assume what happened was a private matter and forget about it. Her last couple of videos were really cool and indicate that she has a sense of humor. Does she like playing gags?
In case you are wondering why I have been worring about her, there were two photos posted in her myspace account in which she wore dark glasses and had what appeared to be a bruised nose with captions something like "hello lover" and "summer summer". And I had lost touch because of my sister's problems. Molly is at a time in life when people often run into trouble finding their way. There is a limit to what others can do and people can get so distracted by other things. Sometimes people have trouble coping and nothing you do seems to help. It can be rather fustrating and you can get hurt while trying to help.

I don't live there anymore.

embarrass me

I just found your youtube page on accident and I think you are so cute and sexy and charming. I would love to spoil you and buy you something. Especially after I saw those sexy shoes you bought, I would love to give you my money. (blushing!!) Please....let me know if you have a wishlist or something like that. I am sure you have other fans who love you and want to spoil you.
Thank you!

*sends a link to amazon wishlist*

How sweet of you. : ) And I'd love for you to tease me about it, too, hehe. You should make a video where you tease your fans about how much they adore you, and taunt them into sending you money and gifts. You can do it in kind of a fun way, but also serious. I think you would be surprised with the results! I would love to see them fawn over you. : ) I hope to hear back soon.

hello sweet lady! i am sorry i have not sent anything yet! thank you very much for making the list! it makes me so weak! i was wondering, if i send you some shoes (and i will dream about them touching your precious feet), would you make a video about me, and embarrass me for lving your feet and wanting to smell them (blushing!!!). i hope you are well!


'hi molly

i just wanted to tell yoo that your accent is superb really i have never heard a U.K chick like u before soo got that out of the way one more thing you mite call me weirdo cuckoo or wat ever but could you plz take a small video of your feet i know it mite be kinda weird but just see how ur feet look... and i luvd ur wii vid haha "ur such a F*kn DYKE" hilarious i say anyways i better get going know ur a busy girl and prob wnt have the time to reply but let us knw if tht feet video is in the process.

thnks matey


abs. Perth'

Little does this person know, I happen to have made a foot fetish youtube channel like a year ago with short clips of many youtubers' feet. It's out there, yo.


'Hey Molly,
My name’s Sara and I’m a huge fan. But not a scary
one, I promise. Although then again isn’t the
murderers and rapists who always say that? I’m
ranting. Um, okay well I'll get off the topic by
stating my and your shared interest in Jenga! I love
it and you seem to love it to. But now that I’ve put
you off to sleep a few times I would like to get to my
actual point by asking you this:

You probably hate questions like this one, but I am
quite angry at you, so I can justify irritating you.
We aren’t just a bunch of hill-billys (is that how you
spell it?) who ride kangaroos and play weird hollow
sticks (didgeridoos – yes I know – funny name... Ha
ha. Lol… Hmm.). It is getting to the point where
people seem to believe anything we tell them about
Australia if it weren’t for that movie e.g.
1. Australians speak Portuguese… yeah. Right.
2. The population of Australia is 1 million (try 20
3. The Harbor Bridge is in Perth. No.
4. Our currency is Koalas and sheep. No.

I don’t know, maybe you’re one of those extremely
gullible people who believes those things but I can
tell you two things: We use DOLLARS and also that if
you don’t come to Sydney pretty damn soon I’m going to
personally come into your lovely home and slit your
throat. And there is going to be nothing Sydney (the
person) or you can do about it.

P.S. I am not a stalker. I promise.
P.P.S I know where you live Molly.
P.P.P.S Two more things: One addressed to Sydney:
Please tell me you know that your name is a city also.
P. L. E. A. S. E. and the other one’s to you, Molly:
Could you pretty please make a video response to this
email? I don’t mean like a video solely for this, but
just, you know, fit it in, in your next one. K?

Thanks for reading the full email, Sara (pronounced Se
- rah, not Sah - rah... yeah just thought you might
want to know)'

homegirl crazy.


'You are too much beautiful, Molly. I have never met you but I really miss you and that makes me feel strange. I feel like a river that can not flow, and I really adore the color and the shape of your eyes more then anything I have ever seen, and I have never seen it personally and that makes me feel strange again. I feel like my eyes had never seen anything before, or like a blind man.'

This guy messages me constantly. I've never replied. I don't get it.

I had my mother do this painting of yourself

[transcripted from a letter sent to me]

My name is Robert and I'm a big fan of yours. I look at every new videos you make and I sometimes check out your blog. I think your very talented and as a token of my apreciation, I had my mother do this painting of yourself. I hope you like it.

This headshot card thing was also in the envelope and is probably my favourite thing anyone has ever sent me.

Friday, December 26, 2008

I have no idea what this is.

Oh spam folder, what treasures you hide.

you sweet looking

Hi Sexy
Just looking at youtube and found your video there just want to say u look cool and sexy in this video.i like u baby i wish i could be ur partner for whole life......

You Sweet looking .


I imagine this guy wears silk shirts and lots of yellow gold.

Twank TV

My name is jeremy, I started a online media company here in New Jersey and
New York called
Me and 8 others (College Guys!) Are starting a film and media company and
are aiming to build it into a million dollar empire.

Hit me back if you want to know more or if you think you could partner
with us.
We are there is no money now :(

OOOh, college guys!

lesbian dating site

I am Frank T, the marketing manager of We would like to work with you setting up Dating Site for Lesbian singles at no cost!

We can set it up for you at no cost if you have strong interest in this field or work-at-home business. You can pick the name for your own lesbian dating site, own the domain and brand. We take care of all the backend and engineering work. Also customer service work. Of course, we can pay you $30 for each paid member or $2 per profile in turn.

Just for the record... I'm not a lesbian.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Golden Bengal

Greetings to you from the alluvial soils of Golden Bengal!! I hope the resonance of this Lion’s roar shall reach your ears.

hot regards!


hi dearly
hi dearly hot regards.
second. you are so sweat girl.youhave anice face ,body and words.i am gald to lisen you . realy i love you babe. and hope to be make good friends
my name is salim,am from aden/yemen(britch equpation at past time). am chemical engineering at aden refinery company( oil).
my dream is find girlfriend like you realy
please add me on yaho or msn

what is your name?

how are you and what is your name ? just want to know you that is all

I don't understand why I get emails that ask me basic questions which surely are already answered on my youtube channel or my blog, which is surely where they got my email address from in the first place!

What can I learn from her???

I've got some questions!
What is the purpose of your videos? You're kind, and seems to be really polite!
But everytime I see your videos on the most watched, I ask myself: What can I learn from her???
Just topics telling about your personal life, and stuffs that has nothing to do with real life, and I'm sorry, things that are not worth it!

You're pretty nice and you know that, You've got many fans on youtube, but your videos suck!!!

.... thanks.

butefull ladie


I read your profill and I so your photo.
really u r butefull ladie
can u contact me or give me your phon NO.

my name is ahmed


msn dude


Fw: ??? just in case

About Msn

Hey it is tara and john the directors of MSN, sorry for the interruption but
msn is closing down. this is because too many inconsiderate people are
taking up all the name (eg making up lots of different accounts for just one
person), we only have 578 names left. If you would like to close your
account, DO NOT SEND THIS MESSAGE ON. If you would like to keep your
joke, we will be shutting down the servers. Send it on, thanks. WHO EVER
ATTENTION. It's no joke if you don't believe me then go to the site
( ) and see for yourself.
Anyways once you've sent this message to at least 18 contacts, your msn dude
will become blue

Yes. I'm sure that the people who run MSN use the words 'anyways' and 'msn dude'. And send emails to people claiming there are only 578 names left.
People who send these kinds of spam chain letters are so stupid it blows my mind!

increadably likeable and bright!

This is a sweet email, I thought the spelling mistakes were charming :)

Hi there girl!
I am a viewer of your videos on youtibe since
last summer holiday.
I need to express finally my greatest support
as I find you increadably likeable and bright!
"Pork Chops" seems the funniest ;)

One more thing: I am a vocalist/gitarist for a rockband
Her Parasoul, check the website if interested:

PS it's a pitty I don't know you in person ;)

The most beautiful flower

I'm not sure if this was just sent to me or is some sort of bizarre spam email. Either way, it's pretty weird. I changed the insane font size. It reads sort of like a beat poem!

The most beautiful flower beautiful

I do not know you, but certainly your photo
Ugek beautiful, very beautiful shows you the good human being
And your heart, such as snow white

Ghazi name, was born in 1984

Dear brothers

I hope that friends and the distance between us which does not prevent our friendship Asaddaqp beautiful thing to exist

I love and respect too often, the United Kingdom

Is a beautiful country and its people the most beautiful and good

I love knowledge and exchange of messages, such as images of children as well as pictures of nature

This acquaintance, Emily
I hope that the time is the comfort, safety and conciliation

Very sure of your heart good

Ghazi sent a sincere friend

have a wonderful day.

dear =======: (is that a name btw?)

i was checking your page and i found some interesting things.
here is one part of your introduction that i found, particularly, worth pointing out.
i will highlight in red the parts i find interesting and the comment on them in (parenthesis), ok?

Please be aware that, while I do check my messages on(i believe the preposition you should use is "in" and not "on") here, I HATE the youtube messaging system.(you just missed a "period" here. h'm. period. i wonder if you have missed any) so don't reply to 95% (does that mean i can reply only to 5% of the messages? i am really confused) of the messages on here. If you want to contact me, please do so via email to the email (you are overusing the word "email". just say "If you want to contact me, please do so via email address below address below" cause that'll suffice.)
apart from that, i find most of your videos interesting.
have a wonderful day.

ps: i am not a native speaker of english so my corrections may be incorrect. therefore, you must just as well forget about it all and keep on doing what you are doing as you are doing because you are doing just fine.

Thanks for your help!! Also, glad you find most of my videos interesting.